to quoth the dude at the start of crazy frog's axel f cover, w-ww-w-what's going on???

(i had to add this big dumb image here because the preview looked REALLY ugly and i dunno if you can turn that off or not. for now we must live with it)

OKAY so i have a LOT of weird little personal projects i've been working on on and off for a few years now and i figured that since i'm gonna be posting DEVLOGS and PROGRESS onto this hell website i should keep everyone at least a little up-to-date on what's what

so my current game projects are as such:


bubblegum deathfest is an early attempt to make a Hotline Miami style top down shooter of mine that i started developing like, aaaages ago. it's pretty much like, a far future game show where the world has developed cloning tech so you can just clone yourself when you die, so there's been a huge rise in game shows where people kill the hell out of each other for sport (a la The Running Man).

it honestly had a lot of work put into it, and i really hope to revisit it and really get it fleshed out because it's one of my favourite projects


here's another one i started working on around the same time. the main design document for it says it's a pizza delivery parkour game, where you have to navigate a crowded and strange alien city delivering pizzas as fast as possible, Crazy Taxi style. really i put way too much effort into making the city look nice, and eventually it got really out of hand and i found it really hard to work on. i'd love to revisit this one too and clean it the hell up because i really like the visual direction i took with it, and making interesting landscapes is something i really love to sink time into.


this game was a brief foray into the hilariously intimidating realm of ONLINE MULTIPLAYER. it went surprisingly well, actually!! i managed to get multiple players all interacting on different computers, over the internet, so it was a success in my books. i'd like to finish it up, add a chat system, rabbit colour picking and make a nice little environment for players to walk around and chat in. it's easily my nicest game, in terms of theme.


there are a few other projects i'd started working on, things like a local multiplayer game where players build defenses during the day and every night a randomly chosen player gets turned into a werewolf and has to kill all the other players, while working around the defenses they themselves helped make, or a short narrative adventure about a stranger happening upon a small, nearly deserted acid mining town in the middle of the desert and trying to figure out how they got there and who they are. none of these projects are really far enough into development to have much interesting for me to say about them, but i have plans to work on them more someday.

this is the acid mining town one... i want to call it "couranga diehappy", after a spider with a really weird name.

anyway, that's a nice slice of what i've got going on currently. these are just personal projects, none of the stuff i've worked on for school is in here, but those will most likely be the subject of most of my devlogs in the future.

seeya round


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