oh hey. come here often?
long time no... anything!!!
sorry i ain't been keeping up with this bloggy stuff (after a whopping three posts.... such dedication!) but i'm back at it since i'm being held at educational gunpoint to do so!!
anyway, it's been a hot minute since i graced these hallowed halls with my presence so let's do a little update sort of thing. another goddamn game got made!!! this one's about horses.
my friends and i at good ol' yoobee developed it for a five-week project which was a lotta fun.
but that is not the point of this dev update!!! oh no no!!! for you see, there is ANOTHER GAME!!! and the project requirements include an actual weekly devlog, so this place will see some real use!! i'm pretty hesitant to talk about the game so early in development, because technically it's only juuuuuuuuuuuuuust past the pitching phase, so i'll stick to just giving a quick rundown + some thoughts and mild ramblings on it.
first up it's called TRUCKER'S ATLAS (name shamelessly lifted from a very good modest mouse song) and much like the song it's about trucker's selling drugs!! okay, that's not exaaactly what it's about but it definitely has a bit to say about the ethics (or lack thereof) of selling drugs in desperate circumstances. what it is as an actual game is a trading game about driving around a tiny industrial wasteland moon and being chased by gangs, getting into all sorts of altercations in towns and generally getting stomped all over repeatedly until you either win or die.
mockup of getting mugged like a fool
but yeah, the scary thing about this game is that i am developing it SOLO. oh god!!! it's a very daunting thing but i wouldn't be doing it if i didn't think i could get it done. i get to draw a bunch of angsty dudes menacing one another in a desert, i get to do some weird code, and i even get to record the music with a guitarist friend of mine. and we have six dang ol' months for this project, which gives me a lot of breathing room to make it Actually Good. so if all goes well, expect this game half a year from now. if all doesn't go well, expect some very strange blog posts. actually, expect that anyway.
that's all i've gotta say. i'm currently writing this from bed at 1am 100 kilometers from home so i've got some sleeping to do.
later chumbo
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